Wenches With Winches
2023 Grand/San Juan County Go Topless Day
Event Information
While the Barricade Go Topless Day is celebrating their 16th Annual Event this year,
Wenches with Winches is organizing our third year with this event.
Go Topless Day is a worldwide tradition for the Jeep community to celebrate the start of Spring by taking off their Jeep tops. But for W3, it is a little bit more than just another event off the pavement, and something that hits a bit closer to home for us.
Go Topless Day is also a day of fundraising and W3 is raising funds for LiveLikeMak! For each event that W3 can raise over $500 for, Barricade Off-Road will donate an additional $500 to LLM!
With that in mind, if you are able, W3 encourages you to donate:
• Send donations via Venmo to @wenches-utah
Please add “Go Topless Day - Grand/San Juan County” as your comment
Donations directly through PayPal are accepted via the buttons below:
Grand/San Juan County
When: 930a on May 20, 2023
Where: RMB 4x4, 100 E La Sal Junction, La Sal, UT 84530
Trail Ride: Join W3 and RMB 4x4 on a trail ride to Cameo Cliffs